Driving responsible practices

Since our inception, at ECOTIC we have been committed to the significant challenge of responsibly managing waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Reflecting on our journey, we can see the extensive efforts we have made over the years to raise awareness of the benefits of proper WEEE management, and the need to promote actions for a more sustainable environment. In an increasingly aware world of the importance of preserving environmental sustainability, ECOTIC has been a pioneering force, leading initiatives that have set benchmarks in Spain.


As active members of WEEE Europe and WEEE Forum, we have strengthened our collaborative network and broadened our impact beyond our borders. These partnerships have enabled us to actively engage in a community where we can exchange knowledge, best practices and resources with other international actors committed to responsible electronic waste management.


Our commitment is evident, among other indicators, in the steady growth of our network of affiliated producers, currently exceeding 1,500, positioning us as a benchmark in WEEE management in Spain. This success has been achieved through transparent and collaborative management, alongside a continuous pursuit of excellence in all our operations and processes.


A recent and significant change in ECOTIC’s trajectory was the establishment, in January 2022, of ECOTIC Entidad Administradora S.L., a non-profit entity that enhances the services we offer by optimising organisation and fostering synergies for more efficient waste management.


However, at ECOTIC, we recognise that our commitment to sustainability extends beyond WEEE management alone. Therefore, we are expanding our focus on waste collection and management by establishing new entities aimed at other key sectors. The Asociación ECOTIC Envases will offer solutions for managing packaging waste across all categories, operating under the umbrella of ECOTIC Entidad Administradora and ensuring a comprehensive approach to handling these wastes.


Furthermore, the establishment of Fundación ECOTIC Clima will enable us to manage air conditioning equipment waste more efficiently, promote sustainable and responsible practices in the sector and contribute to the fight against climate change.


ECOTIC’s commitment goes beyond waste management; it involves building a more sustainable and responsible future through the promotion of innovative initiatives and active collaboration with all stakeholders.


At ECOTIC, we strive to maintain our leadership in adopting more responsible business practices that contribute to a healthier environment for future generations.


“At ECOTIC, we recognise that our commitment to sustainability extends beyond WEEE management alone. Therefore, we are expanding our focus on waste collection and management by establishing new entities aimed at other key sectors”

Areas of action of ECOTIC


Waste management


Our primary responsibility is to finance and manage all categories of WEEE from affiliated producers through our Extended Producer Responsibility Collective System (EPRCS). Additionally, we provide solutions at the European level. To accomplish this, we oversee the development of collection,
treatment and control systems for waste from participating companies,
providing essential follow-up and guidance to ensure compliance with all existing environmental legal obligations.

Research and training


At ECOTIC, we promote studies and research both in Spain and Europe on waste collection, treatment and control systems, aiming to propose new solutions and enhancements in recovery and recycling processes. We disseminate this knowledge through various educational and informational programmes in collaboration with manufacturers, distributors and installers, alongside professional associations, to advance the environmental management of WEEE.

Outreach and awareness


We conduct informational and awareness campaigns targeting professionals, educational institutions and the general public to underscore the benefits of giving electrical and electronic devices a second life through reuse, or ensuring proper waste management where reuse is not feasible. This is crucial for fostering a circular economy and improving the environment.

The outcome of team dedication

Our success hinges on having a great team: an exceptional group of professionals who not only bring their expertise but also share ECOTIC’s core values. Their commitment to continuous improvement, innovation, teamwork and their strong dedication to our affiliates and partners are our true strengths, resonating from the three key areas of our organisation.



“An exceptional team of professionals who not only bring their expertise but also share ECOTIC’s core values”

Administration Area


This team manages financial and administrative operations, while also advising the Boards of Trustees of ECOTIC, ECOTIC Clima, ECOTIC Envases and the governing body of ECOTIC Entidad Administradora.

Projects and Companies Area


This team oversees member affiliation and retention, technical projects, training activities, informational campaigns and communications efforts. It also participates in national and international forums related to our sector and the circular economy.

Operations Area


The Operations team coordinates, controls and monitors logistics and the treatment of waste electrical and electronic equipment. It also negotiates contracts and agreements with distributors, waste managers and treatment plants, and maintains relationships with regional and local authorities on compliance, procedures and permits.

Marc Albiol, Jorge Aragón, Raquel Ayora, Anna Corominas, Fani Cuevas, Cristina Fernández, Patrícia Garcia, Rosa Garcia, Lorena González, Nadia Jiménez, Jordi Julian, Judit López, Mónica López, Víctor Martínez, Agustín Peña, Àngels Pou, Cristina Roig and Andreu Vilà.

The significance of boards of trustees and boards of directors


All our activities benefit from robust support from the sector’s business community, represented in our governing bodies—the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors—which include representatives from leading national and international companies.


The Fundación ECOTIC Board of Trustees endorses actions, projects and management programmes aimed at achieving our objectives and takes responsibility for defining guidelines to allocate and apply funds for the development of our activities.


These companies align with our principles, encompassing environmental preservation and promoting a circular economy approach.


“All the represented companies share our values: environmental protection and a management approach focused on promoting the circular economy”

Fundación ECOTIC Board of Trustees

ECOTIC Entidad Administradora S.L. Board of Directors

(*) Representatives: Seung Jae, Begoña Villa and Francisco Ruiz