Focused on effective management and excellence


Víctor Martínez | Director of Operations

“Since 2005, we have avoided more than 10 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions”

In 2023, we responsibly managed 121,588 tonnes of WEEE, financed and coordinated through our Extended Producer Responsibility Collective System (EPRCS). This amount signifies a substantial flow of waste from electrical and electronic appliances, adding to the 1.3 million tonnes accumulated since our inception in 2005.


These achievements drive us to continue innovating to optimise our procedures for the benefit of producers, collaborators and institutions that rely on ECOTIC. Furthermore, they inspire us to persist in our environmental mission, underpinned by operational efficiency, collaboration and a steadfast pursuit of excellence.


Thanks to ECOTIC’s actions, our efficient management has also led to the reduction of 10,487,653 tonnes of CO2 equivalent in greenhouse gas emissions since our inception. This figure represents a significant stride towards environmental preservation, with considerable environmental value.


Regarding the expansion of collection points, after two years of stability, we experienced a 14.2% growth compared to 2022, reaching a record high of 11,609 points.


Moreover, while surpassing the milestone of one million tonnes managed since our foundation two years ago, in 2023 we achieved a new milestone: more than 1,500 affiliated producers by the end of the financial year. This marks a notable increase from approximately 1,000 affiliates in 2022, underscoring how electrical and electronic appliance producers appreciate and endorse our management approach.

Domestic domain


During the year 2023, we managed a total of 106,225 tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the domestic market, bringing our cumulative figure to 1,213,605 tonnes since our inception.


Distribution points continue to be the primary channel for waste collection, accounting for 57.2% of the total WEEE collected. In contrast, civic amenity sites and municipal collection centres have contributed 21.2%, while collection by installers, technical services, companies or waste managers, among others, has contributed 21.6%.


Preparation for reuse remains pivotal for our organisation. In category 6, which includes small IT and telecommunications equipment, the percentage destined for reuse reached 6%, significantly exceeding the 4% stipulated in Royal Decree 110/2015, consistent with previous years’ trends.


For category 4, covering large household appliance waste, we allocated 1.4% for reuse, equivalent to 616 tonnes.


In category 1, encompassing temperature exchange equipment, we continued to increase the amount earmarked for reuse without a specific target, representing 2% of the total.


Out of the total collected waste, 1,557 tonnes were allocated for preparation for reuse in 2023. Cumulatively since 2015, the total rises to 15,679 tonnes, reflecting a progressive and crucial increase for advancing the circular economy model.


Evolution of quantities of WEEE managed in the domestic domain (tonnes)

Professional domain


In the professional domain, our organisation continues its sustained growth in recent years, managing a total of 15,363 tonnes of waste. This figure marks a 9.7% increase compared to the results from 2022.


Breaking down these numbers by categories, large household appliances represent 49.1% of the total collected, followed by fridges and freezers at 20.34% and other WEEE, including category 5, at 17.11%.


Evolution of quantities of WEEE managed in the professional domain (tonnes)

Achievement of objectives


The results in waste management and collection vary depending on their origin. In the domestic domain, we achieved a 67% compliance rate, although this percentage is influenced by the typical challenges we encounter in managing air conditioning waste, which has significantly lower collection levels compared to other categories of WEEE.


In the professional domain, objective attainment remains around 50%, similar to the previous year.


Regarding air conditioning units, ECOTIC leads the domestic market with a 76.75% market share and the professional market with an 86.12% share. However, due to their lower presence in households, only about 40%, these units generate fewer waste materials.


This means that the installation of new products in households without air conditioning does not generate as much waste. Excluding these units would increase compliance in households to 80%, while in the professional sector, it would be 70%. It is important to note that these units have a longer lifespan and contain valuable and potentially recyclable materials.


In 2023, ECOTIC managed an average of 6.21 kilograms of WEEE per capita in Spain, marking a more than 10% increase from the previous year, based on a total population of 47,475,420 people.


Domestic targets set by ECOTIC*